Snake robot: Worm Motion
The robot performs worm like motion. It also uses propagation of square wave similar to slithering motion. Looking at the figures (fig. 2-6) it can be seen clearly how the square wave moves forward. It's this propagation of square wave that helps move the robot forward.
The motors responsible for motion are labelled by even numbers. These are the motors whose axes are horizontal. Before starting the motion the end of the robot is rotated to left (using motor 15 in figures). This helps the robot remain upright during the motion. Without this the robot may fall onto its sides.
The angles of the motors for sequence 1-7 is given below in the table. Note that only even numbered motors are actuated for this motion. All odd numbered motors except motor 15 are at 90 degrees. Motor 15 is at 180 degrees to provide support during motion as explained above. Motor 15 can also be placed at 0 degrees.
In the table below the columns represent motor (even numbered) angles. The rows represent the 7 motion sequences (configurations).